Parent Teacher League
The PTL is designed to support the growth and development of the school by being a resource for parents, a support for teachers, and facilitating communication between the two. Most school events outside of sports are organized by volunteer PTL members for students and families. All parents and teachers of the school are members of the PTL and are welcome to attend meetings, volunteer, or share ideas.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
PTL Events
The PTL is responsible for all of the school social events. Some of the events or fundraisers are chosen as the year progresses, but many return year after year. The students are only expected to help out with two fundraisers a year and any other fundraisers are supported by parents, surrounding neighborhoods, and the church community. All events will be posted on the school calendar along with event details.
Annual Events
Fall Fun Fest
Popcorn Fridays
ThanksGIVING Auction
Roller Skating Party
Health/Fitness Classes
Spirit Week
Teacher Appreciation Week
All School Picnic
Annual Fundraisers
Box Tops for Education
Raise Right (formerly Shop with Scrip)
Fall and Spring Flower Sale
ThanksGIVING Auction